Thursday, January 4, 2007

Play Day


This is that dear sweet dog I told you about in a previous post...She is not sure if she is coming or going, and that is how I felt about 4:00 p.m. I live in a very rural area and if you want to do any shopping you must drive, at least 25 miles. I know to some that does not seem far but you must remember I lived in the Keys for 30 years and we had one main road, US1.The town was about 9 mi. long and EVERYTHING was on that one street.Sooo easy.

Well I was in the antique shop, the thrift shop, the scrapbook shop, Cracker Barrel, and put about 100 mi. on the van. Whew ! I'm getting tired all over again just thinking about it. Hope no one is offended by this photo! Think I'll call it a day.

1 comment:

Janet said...

OMG - that's too funny! And I'm just completely offended!! Just kidding. That dog must have had a lot of patience.