Sunday, May 10, 2009

Maybe it's the LOCATTION???

Here we are all set up at the Spring Festival...but where were all the people? It was in a small town, off the main street, and the day before Mothers Day.I doubt if fifty people came through. The Scentsy girl sold two items, one to me, and the plant lady sold a few plants. I think I sold more than anyone but it was not the beads. There was one lady that really knew anything about the amount of work that goes into making the beads. Most of the people think you just string together a few beads....

This lady was next to me and she makes music CD's for you after she consults with you. I'm not to sure I know how all that works

This was some art work that was for sale.
I had a picture of the plants but seem to have lost it. I 'm having a very hard time getting this post together for some reason.
Although I did not sell any of the beads I did sell some other stuff, however I'm not counting it as a success since I didn't break $100.
So I guess I'll try and figure out how to sell on Etsy. Anyone got any helpful hints?
Hope everyone has a great and HAPPY MOTHERS DAY


Debbie in CA : ) said...

Happy Mother's Day to you, dear friend.

Sorry to hear the sales were so dismal. My daughter makes beaded jewelery and hair doo-dads -- tons of work, but so beautiful. I have encouraged her to sell on Etsy, but so far she's pure hobby. I hope you keep us informed about Etsy -- I haven't a clue!

Janet said...

Oh, that's a shame. I would imagine the economy has something to do with it. And maybe people had already spent their money on something for Mother's Day. Your jewelry looks beautiful.

I love a couple of those art pieces in the last picture. Very nice.