These really will be "vine ripe". Don't you just love it in the stores when they say that and the very tomatoes they are talking about are still green? However we, or maybe I should say HE, since my husband insisted on putting so many plants in this small space that we had allotted, will know better next year.
When we moved up here from the Keys we brought several sea shells, coral rock, glass floats,net and all of the stuff you see to decorated homes by the seashore. We are a good two hours from the ocean but I have a small place in the yard that holds all of the nautical items.
This is just a few of the beautiful roses that are on a bush that our daughter bought when she was up here for a visit two summers ago. As you can see it is almost to the top of my clothes line post. It had about twenty roses on it at one time.
This better be important" !
So not much in the way of art going on here, maybe when it gets a little hotter and I feel I must stay in the A.C. Hope you all are being creative and having fun.