Yes it's HOT, yes the BUGS are bad, but what's a girl to do ? Put on more bug spray than clothes and head on out to the yard where there is ssoooo much to do. It is little places like this special rock that holds an extra drink for birds or beast, whichever come first that really provide a blessing.These petunias by the front porch steps just came up on their own, all over the yard in some of the most unlikely places.

This palm tree has ferns and an air plant that is about to bloom growing out of it and it seemed like a good place to put some shells, floats, old bottles, things we brought with us from the Keys. This path leads up to the side of the front porch.
We did it, finished the screen to hide the water tank for the well. This morning I planted little ferns along the bottom to fill in that space. Our butterfly bush is starting to bloom.
And look what is living under our shed.....I counted four of these little guys, not sure if there is any more. They were sure busy, so much so that they didn't even know I was there. Why is it that EVERYTHING that is a BABY is cute ? Not so much when they get big !!!!!
So all this running around the yard has really made us tired.....and this seems to be the coolest spot for this time of day. The temp is in the low 90's already and it's only May 8th. Hmmmm, wonder what sort of a summer it is going to be?
Tomorrow is the big day when I will try to sell some of my beads at a show, I plan to take the camera so hopefully we'll have some good photos the next time.
Bless the Lord oh my soul and all that is within me, bless His Holy name.