Just wanted to share a few spots in my house that are some of my favorite things or areas. This antique buggy and baby are in the very first room, the one that has the cobalt blue glass in the window in the last post I did. This large collection of peacock feathers actually come from birds I knew...some from when we lived in the Keys and some from a bird that found its way to my Pastors house, where he camped out for about a year. He was finally captured by the "Pest Control guy" and now is happy strolling his 90 acer home.
The items on this shelf are two matching vases, two bird prints, an antique photo album, my metal "Jesus Loves Me" sign and of course a few books. That's a novel thought, books on a book shelf!
This is in our kitchen, my real reason for taking this picture is the flower. I picked it the other day from one of our bushes, which have suffered a really unusually cold winter. It looked like a freeze had done the bush in and then it was full of buds. What makes this flower so great is the fact that it has two colors...it came from a bush with all pink flowers. When I picked it I noticed a whole group of buds that will come out like this one, that is if the freeze we are suppose to get this week (YES AGAIN) does not do them in. The teacups are two from a set of twelve, Royal Albert "flower of the month" series.
This is another wall in my computer room, it is opposite the the wall that has the book shelves. If you want to see the wall paper you will need to click the picture. The prints are all by Atkinson Fox, one of favorite artist. Sitting on my reproduction record player is the fourth print,another teacup, stained glass lamp, and a rose vase with what else, more peacock feathers.So there you have another little glimpse into my home, hope you enjoyed the tour.
Do you have a special little part of your place you would like to share ?
I have that tea-cup for December. My ladies group many years ago gave it to me because my birthday is in December.
I love your wallpaper, I have never seen anything like it. It is so much fun to go into your home.
Maybe now that I have ended Ruth I can get back to some other things.
Good night friend,
Lots of pretties! Those paintings remind me of Maxfield Parrish, one of my favorites.
Oh I just looooove to be invited in for a tour. You have so many wonderful things with happy associations. I love a home filled with joy. I've learned more about you, and since I have to leave for now (my daughter needs the computer to study French -- imagine that, working on a computer!) I shall bid farewell 'til next time. Thanks for sharing the beauty in your home and life. : D
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