Funny Memory
You may have to click on this picture to enlarge it so you can see the photos. The one on the left is of my Great Grandparents on my mothers side. This picture was taken a few years before I was born. The other picture is of my mother and her older brother Dean. All of these people have passed on. The plate in the picture hung on the dinning room wall at Great grand mother's house about the time the picture of mother was taken. When they would go for a visit, my mother would stand looking up at the plate and say, "cock-a-doo" and Dean would say, "no silly it is a duck not a rooster" but mother would stomp her little half German foot and insist it was a "cock-a-doo".This plate with all of the memories now keep me company in my kitchenDid you do the fun thing on Janet's blog about What Color Are You ? Since I love color I did, I am a yellow, imagine that!not one of my most favorite colors but I like it, my kitchen is yellow.
I love old plates too! That's a sweet memory. It matches your new wall color. :)
I haven't left a comment in ages, but I do come by...I read the Purpose Driven Life. It is a beautiful statement on why we are here.
I love your blog, I read it and feel I know you.
Hugs, Mary
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