Do you smoke ? You might consider quiting !
This is what can happen to a smoker. He quit
two years ago after about 50 years of it.
Sorry I have been away from the blog for such a long time but I just couldn't seem to find the time to fit it in. I can not promise I will be posting much till things get back to normal.
Hope everyone had a wonderful break and was able to rest on this Labor Day week-end.
When I hear the word labor I can not help but think of the scripture that says,
Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy ladden and I will give you rest. Mat. 11:28
Casting all your cares upon him; for he careth for you. 1 Peter 5:7
I do not know how I would have made it through all of this if I did not have my best friend Jesus to talk to and to put my trust in. He will NEVER leave us or forsake us, His word is truth and you can depend on it. There are many promises in the bible and they are for you IF you call God your father, and know Jesus as your saviour.
Ohhhh my. That looks sore. Please keep on top of any prolonged redness around the cuts... we don't want any naughty infections hanging out!
I know this has been a long road for you and your sweetie, and it is great that Jesus held your hand all the way.
Blessings for a quick recovery!
Well I have never taken a puff, and surely this little show-and-tell will keep me puff-free for the rest of my days.
Praise the Lord for the cancer-free findings!!!
I do miss your newsy posts, but certainly understand how you might be a bit busy for such things as blogs. It was wonderful to see your recent comment on my blog.
My prayers are with you both. May God continue to guide and protect and bless . . .
XO ~~ Debbie
Wow. Well, thank God he is cancer free! God bless you both! BTW, I love the new hair style...it may have been there for a while. I don't blog too much right now, since I have been Senior Warden at our church I have not had time...am beginning to take time now to set up the beading.
Your beads are beautiful!!
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