Saturday, December 9, 2006

Our River

This is it! Our beautiful river. This picture is the best one I have until next spring when the rains come. The only place more peaceful than this is the woods in my own back yard. My big project is making an English garden behind the house. So far it has three paths, lots of rocks and a few plants. It will pretty much go on hold till warmer weather.Pictures will come next summer.
I got so excited with my last post (since the picture finally went on) that I didn't check my spelling....opps, I really regret that I spelled regret (regrete).
So enough of my ramblings for one day, just want to leave you with this thought. EVERYONE NEEDS THEIR OWN SPECIAL QUIET PLACE.I hope you have one.

1 comment:

Janet said...

I did not know you lived by a river!! I don't ever remember you mentioning it.