Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Old Cars

After having such a good time on Elizabeth's blog, WOW! she has soooo much good stuff on there, everything from receipts,to vintage prints and she is glad to share. What a blessing. You can see her blog here . Anyway I cleaned out a closet the other day and found some old papers, post cards, and photos that I had saved. Yes I am guilty of being one of those people that save EVERYTHING! So I decided to share....please feel free to copy any of these that you can use.
I did not want to overwhelm you with pictures so I will try and add a few at a time.
Hope you can use these.
Thought I should add a little note about the people in these pictures.....I do not know them. These pictures came into the store years ago, (Salvation Army) and I think they were mostly taken in Florida, however there were NO NAMES.


ChrisJ said...

So glad to hear your husband is getting out of the hospital pretty soon. I too love cats and art.I will be posting both a cat blog and an art blog in the next couple of days.

Elizabeth Golden said...

These are wonderful Love the one with the big white fluffy dog. He looks so happy! Also thanks for the plug for my blog I really appreciate it.