Thursday, October 1, 2009

star of Texas

Can you say a little to much Miracle Grow? I know they say everything from Texas is big but.....these are xanthisma or (star of Texas). In the past they have reached the heigth of about four feet, this year I put a lot of fertilizer on my hydrangea not thinking about the daisy looking things that had come up on their own right next to it. They shot up about ten feet or more.
This is a shot of them from the porch. I planted a few seeds a few years ago around on the other side of the porch but they seem to have a mind of their own as to where they wanted to come up. Next year when they pop up out of the ground you can believe I will be doing some transplanting.

And this is my last three (outdoor cats) still have one in the house. I had to have Sarah put down while honey was in the hospital. She was 25 years old. Sure do miss her, she could hardly go but she would follow me all over the yard. She lost her eyesight and there just was nothing else we could do. Sorry this picture is so dark, not sure what happen. Sweetie the Manx is in the rocker, Buddy the hunter is on the other chair and Salu is getting a drink.
Hope this nice weather we are having will stick around for awhile.

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